“The Fox and The Stork”, “The little round bun” e “Parrots in disguise” le fiabe in inglese e spagnolo raccontate da Tikiri


Di seguito i testi in lingua inglese delle fiabe lette e raccontate in inglese e spagnolo nella rubrica online Tikiri dedicata alle fiabe: “The Fox and The Stork“, “The little round bun – Kolobok” e “Parrots in disguise“.

Clicca sul titolo per ascoltare e seguire l’intera lezione!

The Fox and The Stork- Lezione n.4

A Fox and Stork they’re friends. One day the Fox invited the Stork to lunch and served him some soup in a shallow bowl. The Stork put only wet the tip of his beak and after lunch was even more hungry than before. The Stork returned the courtesy and invited the Fox for lunch.

And some the food in purse with long and narrow necks. In which the Fox could not fit his muzzle, she only lick the outside of her vase. While the Stork dips his beak and enjoyed the soup.

And when the Fox lost her temper, the Stork calmly said: “Do not play tricks on your neighbors unless you can stand the same treatment yourself. What goes around comes around!”

The little round bun – Kolobok – Lezione n.9

Once upon a time there lived an old woman and an old woman who were very poor. One day the old woman mix some floor with cream and shaped it into a Kolobok – a little round bun. Then she baked it in the oven and put it on the windowsill to cool.

The Kolobok suddenly got up and rolled away along the road. Than he met a Rabbit who said “Ah, Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you” he said “Oh no don’t eat me. I’ll sing you a song for you instead “All right, let’s hear it!” said the Rabbit.
“I was scraped from the flour-tin,
And swept from the bin
And baked in the oven
And cooled on the sill.
I ran away from Grandpa,
I ran away from Grandma,
And I’m sure I’ll have no trouble, Rabbit, running away from you.” And I’ll run away.

Than he met a Wolf who said “I’m going to eat you up, Little Round Bun!” But he said again “Don’t eat me. I’ll sing you a song for you instead” and he start it again “I was scraped from the flour-tin,
And swept from the bin
And baked in the oven
And cooled on the sill.
I ran away from Grandpa,
I ran away from Grandma,
I ran away from the Rabbit,
And I’m sure I’ll have no trouble, Wolf, running away from you.” So he said and I’ll run away.

But was it over? No he wasn’t! He met a Bear who said “I’m going to eat you up, Little Round Bun!” But again he’s said “Don’t eat me, brother Bear. I’ll sing you a song for you” he said “I was scraped from the flour-tin,
And swept from the bin
And baked in the oven
And cooled on the sill.
I ran away from Grandpa,
I ran away from Grandma,
I ran away from the Rabbit,
I ran away from the Wolf,
And I’m sure I’ll have no trouble, Bear, running away from you.” So he said and I’ll run away again.

The Little Kolobok this time he met a Fox, she said “I’ll eat you Kolobok” He said “Oh no, please don’t! I’ll sing you a song for you instead, sister Fox”
“Alright” she said “Let’s hear it the song” So he said “I was scraped from the flour-tin,
And swept from the bin
And baked in the oven
And cooled on the sill.
I ran away from Grandpa,
I ran away from Grandma,
I ran away from the Rabbit,
I ran away from the gray Wolf,
I ran away from the big Bear,
And I’m sure I’ll have no trouble, running away from you, sister Fox.” But she said “Oh what a nice song. But be so kind, Kolobok, I am rather hard of hearing. Can you sing your song again but this time sit on my nose.” So he said again the song sit on the nose of the Fox. But that she said again “Oh Kolobok I couldn’t heat probably, please sing it again. But this time sit on my tangue”. So he started “I was scraped from the flour-tin,
And swept from the bin
He couldn’t continue the song because this time the Fox open her mouth and gobbled it up.

Parrots in disguise – Lezione n.13

After the great flood, two siblings survived, a boy and a girl, who took shelter in a magical mountain. It was magical as it grew to the same extent that the water level increased, cleating an island that would never be covered by water.

The children lived in a cave on that island, but they had no food. So they were wondering: “How can we survive in this cave without food?”

For many days they wandered around the small island, looking for food but found nothing.

One afternoon, on the way bade, they found fresh leaves with fruit, meat and corn near the mountain, that is all they had dreamed of in all those days of hunger and longing.

From that day on, as soon as they woke up they found this food, but they didn’t know who brought it.

The children were intrigued, so they decide one day to hide in the grass to see who this charitable soul was, after a while, they saw two colorful parrots, disguised as humans. The children come out of the hiding place and began to laugh. This made the parrots angry so they brought away the food and decided not to return ever again.

The children realized they made a mistake so they spent the whole day shouting, asking the parrots to forgive them. So the parrots returned and forgave the children and made friends.

After some days the water began to go down and the children could finally return to their hut. When they reached the village, a big group of parrots joined them. Soddenly all the parrots turned into cheerful, beautiful people and the village came bade to life.


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